La Nieta

La Nieta Red wine

158,40 €     per unit
Brand: La Nieta

Year: 2021
Winery: Viñedos de Paganos
Alcohol: 14,5 %
Variety: Tempranillo
Quantity: 75 cl

Cherry color, live, intense and deep with violet reflections. Abundant tear fall slow and uniform. It exhibits a nose intense and at the same time delicate, nuanced. A ripe, juicy and meaty black fruit that way to toasted aromas, sweet spices, floral notes and deep background balsamic, menthol and mineral is. In the mouth it has a fresh input, one-step round, soft, silky, velvety, very elegant. Masterfully structured, tamed and ripe tannins, excellent acidity and an eternal and persistent finish. In notes abrutadas aftertaste, spicy, toasted, lactic acid, Balsamic and mineral. Delicate, complex, infinite.

Meat red Grill, stew, roasts, feather hunting, hair hunt.

La Nieta: More products

Red wine La Nieta
158,40 €

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