Muruve Joven

Muruve Joven Red wine

8,67 €     per unit

Year: 2022
Winery: Bodegas Muruve
Alcohol: 14,5 %
Variety: 100% Tinta de Toro
Quantity: 75 cl

Traditional encubado in stainless steel tanks. With daily overpumping 2-3 during 10-15 days at temperature of 25-27 ° C with subsequent controlled fermentation tanks to steeping before filling of barrels.

4 months barrel aging. Bottle ageing: minimum 3 months before your departure to the market. Lying in metal cages in underground ship where temperature 16 ° C is not exceeded.

You have a red cherry with violet trim and nose are aromas of fresh fruit and ripe fruit. On the palate is unctuous and with very present fruit, so it is a very fresh and nice wine.

Is perfect to accompany our meals every day, and especially if it's meats and roasts.

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