Abadia de Poblet Blanco

Abadia de Poblet Blanco White wine

23,10 €     per unit

Year: 2019
Winery: Codorníu
Alcohol: 13 %
Variety: Parellada, Macabeo
Quantity: 75 cl

Abadia de Poblet Blanco , the wine's aim is to reflect the terroir from which it comes, so during its production we try to be as non-interventionist as possible. The centenary vines of the D.O. Conca de Barberà chosen for the production of the white wine Crianza Abadia de Poblet are located between 550 and 700 meters above sea level, in poor soils and with ancestral practices that have changed little since their planting. A full-bodied wine with notes of ripe fruit is born.